Pizza & Wine

10 Nov

Perfect Date…..

Have you ever had that moment when you throw caution to the wind, when you forget that you’ve been hurt, when you just begin to pick up the pieces of a broken heart, stand on a beautiful beach just soaking up the sunshine and take that deep breath, releasing all the built up hurt and anger, taking in all that is wonderful about life and being thankful.

This was how my perfect date started…surrounded by friends and the sea, reconnecting and refocusing on all the possibilities. I am thankful for the journey and lessons that I’ve learned over the past three years and I’m thankful that that chapter of my life is finally over and I have the opportunity to begin a new chapter, a new journey.

It ends with pizza and wine and a really bad movie, nothing romantic, more like ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrel’s’ and great company. You know the kind where there is no pressure to be anybody but you. The type of date that starts with friendship and might end there yet holds the possibility of something unexpected. The type of date that leaves you with a smile and the type where you make an effort not to dress up but just to be present.

So for me, the perfect date reminds me that life is about living in the now…not the past and certainly not the future. It’s about enjoying the simple things. It’s also recognising how we communicate and finding someone who is willing to take the time and opportunity to learn your language while you take the time to learn theirs.

The perfect date is one where time flies and the pizza gets cold, the movie at times plays unwatched, while the conversation moves through unchartered waters as you get to know each other. It takes time and it takes trust and I’ve come to realise a mutual respect.

It’s the perfect date because it can stand alone or form a series, it’s that moment in-between journeys. The moment before you decide which path to follow. A moment after which you catch yourself smiling…everything else fades but that smile….

1 Comment

Posted by on November 10, 2016 in Coaching


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One response to “Pizza & Wine


    November 10, 2016 at 8:05 pm

    Love this 🙂



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